You will find upto a maximum of 6 photographs provided below and under them directions to find the Peg.
Please be aware that section 4B is a more natural bank environment.
The images are as the Swim appeared on day that the photograph was taken
To get to these two Pegs; first park at the end of Manor Road.
At the end of Manor Road there is a padlocked, metal farm gate with pedestrian access onwards through two angled posts (inverted Y shaped) seen to the right of that gate.
Proceed through that pedestrian entrance along the road track and straight on. [You would turn first right to walk down to Pegs 28 through to 68]. Continue along the single track until you come to the Bridge Arch that goes through the railway embankment. [Distance of 450 metres]. Pass through that Arch and turn right on to the single track running parallel with the embankment. At the end of this track is the river, where Peg 79 is located; just downstream of Brunel's Railway Bridge.
Peg 86 is to the left through the kissing gate. Walk along Thames path to where wooden fencing starts (see end of venue photograph) and Peg 86 is immediately to the right. It is the last Peg in the Venue. The exact position is shown by the metal white or black Peg Marker.
[Note the Peg Marker may be covered by leaf debris or loose soil.]
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